Responsibilities of the Office of Disability Support Services (DSS)
- General Responsibilities
- Accept and evaluate verifying documentation..
- Maintain accurate documentation for each student.
- Approve appropriate accommodations through an interactive process.
- Work with students and faculty who have accommodation-based questions.
- Communicate with faculty and staff about student needs, as requested by students.
- Protect student privacy and confidentiality.
- Collaborate with other offices and campus members to provide equal access to programs and services.
- Inform students of responsibilities and procedures for requesting accommodations.
- Testing Responsibilities
- Maintain integrity with the exams and exam process.
- Coordinate with faculty to receive test information and a copy of the test prior to the test date.
- Schedule tests for students who request to take a test with DSS at least two weeks before the test date.
- Proctor accommodated tests for registered students with disabilities.
- Report any suspected academic dishonesty to the appropriate faculty member and department in a timely fashion.
Responsibilities of the Student
- General Responsibilities
- Students with disabilities are required to meet the same academic standards as other students at the University.
- Disclose disability to DSS in a timely manner.
- Provide appropriate documentation to DSS. Documentation must support each accommodation requested.
- Inform DSS of barriers to a successful education and accommodation needs in a timely manner.
- Talk with professors about accommodations as early in the semester as possible. Provide each faculty member with the accommodation letter and any additional documents (i.e. notetaker announcement, recorded lecture agreement).
- Discuss with each faculty member how the accommodations, particularly testing accommodations, will work in that class.
- Testing Responsibilities
- Before each test during the semester, students confirm with their professor that they plan to use the accommodations.
- Submit a Testing Request for Students at least two weeks before the test date.
- Students must arrive on-time (i.e. in accordance with the time scheduled on Google Calendar) to take the exam. If students are late, their time is not extended.
- If a student arrives more than 15 minutes late to a final exam taken in a group room, the student cannot begin the test in that room. Student must report to DSS Office (127 Pryz). DSS staff will retrieve the test in a secure manners and find another room for the student to take the exam. The student's allotted time is not extended past the original time of the Google Calendar test event.
- Students must adhere to the University's honor statement. Before beginning an exam, students have to read and sign an acknowledgment of the University's honor statement and submit it with their completed exam.
Responsibilities of Faculty
- General Responsibilities
- Make sure that each course, viewed in its entirety, is accessible. This includes content, texts and materials, assessment method, online instruction, and time requirements. Please consult with DSS as early as possible if there are any questions or concerns regarding the accessibility of the course material.
- Support and implement reasonable accommodations as identified in a letter of accommodation from DSS and presented by the student.
- Consult with DSS in a timely manner with any accommodation-based questions or concerns, including requests that may conflict with course objectives or requirements.
- Maintain confidentiality regarding accommodations and diagnosis. Students are not required to disclose their diagnoses. If a student discloses diagnosis, this information is to be treated as confidential under the protections of FERPA.
- Include an announcement on course syllabus directing students to DSS if they have need for an accommodation related to a disability.
- Testing Responsibilities
- Verify that the student is registered with DSS and has testing accommodations on current letter of accommodation.
- Reply within 2 business days to emails from DSS regarding students' request to take test with DSS. Complete the Testing Information for Faculty Google Form.
- Send a copy of test to DSS via email ( or drop-off (127 Pryz) by 8AM that day of the scheduled test.
- If DSS reports to faculty any test irregularities, it is the responsibility of the faculty member, along with the department, to investigae allegations and take any punitive measures.