How to Register with DSS 

PLEASE NOTE: Fall 2024 registration requests are not yet open.  Students are welcome to contact us at or (202) 319-5211 if they have any questions.

In order for a student to receive academic accommodations through the office of Disability Support Services (DSS), said student must first register with our office. Registration is open to any student at any time, however, because accommodations are not retroactive, we encourage students to contact us as soon as possible so that accommodations and supports can be established.

If a student feels that they are struggling academically and believe they have a disability, they are encouraged to reach out to our office to discuss possible accommodations.

The utilization of accommodations begins when the student has completed the registration process, received a letter of accommodation, and given said letter to their instructor(s).

The registration process follows the following steps:

Step 1: Registration Form

The Registration Form is found online; this form must be completed by the student. The form seeks to gather information about the following: demographic information, details of any diagnosis/diagnoses, the impact of the student's disability (including academic impact), educational history, and desired accommodations.

Please click here for the form.

Step 2: Documentation

The documentation that a student submits must be from a qualified provider who can verify the diagnosis/diagnoses and provide sufficient details on its impact to one or more major life activities (including academic pursuits). The documentation must be accurate to the student's current needs/lived experiences and must be on the provider's official letterhead, signed and dated. The letter should include the student's name, diagnosis, and the impact on the student's academic and/or social engagement.

 Step 3: Registration Meeting

After submitting the Registration Form and supporting documentation, the student will meet with a DSS staff member for an initial registration meeting. DSS will reach out to the student in order to set a time and date for this meeting. Accommodations meetings usually last between thirty minutes and an hour, depending on the complexity of the student's needs.

During the meeting, the student and DSS staff member will discuss specific accommodations based on the student's needs and lived experiences. Each accommodation letter is individualized and accommodations are decided on a case-by-case basis.

While DSS would like for students to present their documentation in a timely manner, compiling comprehensive documentation should not be a barrier to a student seeking support and meeting with DSS staff. In cases where more documentation is needed, DSS will work with the student to inform them of the documentation needed.

Once a student's accommodation letter is created, it may be updated any time if the student both a. provides sufficient documentation for the change and b. meets with a DSS staff member to discuss the change. 

Updated July 2022.